30 April , 2022
Ban Ki-moon, former UN secretary at the World Thinkers Panel – Uniandes
11 May , 2022
Ban Ki-moon’s visit to Los Andes
12 October , 2021
The Republic of Korea Chief Negotiator addressing the accession initiative to the Pacific Alliance
10 June , 2021
Panel "Adhesión de Corea del Sur como Miembro Asociado de la Alianza del Pacífico: Relevancia e implicaciones
7 April , 2021
Exploring Trade Cooperation between the Pacific Alliance and South Korea 대한민국과 태평양 동맹간 무역 협력
5 March , 2021
Mexico - The Republic of Korea Relationship | By Dr Jean-Marie Chenou
23 February , 2021
Workshop |Trade Cooperation between the Pacific Alliance and South Korea| Main Findings
18 February , 2021
Workshop | Cooperación Comercial entre Alianza del Pacífico y Corea del Sur: ¿Qué hemos encontrado? (Spanish)