Korea foundation

Economic and Trade Cooperation between the Pacific Alliance and South Korea


This project explores the characteristics and evolution of trade, investment, and cooperation initiatives between South Korea and the Pacific Alliance member states: Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru.

It focuses on public and private sector views and perspectives of the cooperation links between the Pacific Alliance and South Korea, and their relevance for further integration processes. Our goal is to provide valuable information and analysis of South Korea´s strategic involvement in Latin America, vis-à-vis the relations with other East Asian economies such as China and Japan. As part of the project, we will hold various events, including workshops and conferences. We will publish academic articles, policy reports, and policy brief.

Funded by the Korea Foundation and Universidad de los Andes

This project is funded by the Korea Foundation in Seoul and Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá. It is carried out in collaboration with the KF-VUB Korea Chair.

Updates on the project will be posted on this website. If you want to be informed about events and publications, fill in your contact details below.

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